Early Farley Center/Natural Path Sanctuary Supporters

Ian Aley
Ian has participated in and supported the farming programs at the Farley Center since the early days.
Kevin Corrado
Kevin was the first Natural Path Sanctuary Facilitator.
Susan Corrado
Susan was involved with the Farley Center from 2011-2014 and was the first Facilitator of the Center.
Juan Gonzalez Torres
Juan was one of the first farmers to be part of the Farley Center Farm Incubator program.
Keefe Keeley
Keefe was involved with the Farley Center in 2012 as an interim farm manager and then 2013-2014 helping develop the Farley Center Farm Incubator Program.
Peter McKeever
Peter was instrumental in founding of Natural Path Sanctuary.
Kristi Minahan
Kristi was an early advocate for establishing a green burial location in the Madison area.
Janet Parker
Janet was the Farley Center’s first Farm Incubator Facilitator.
Steve Ventura
Steve, soil scientist, helped map and establish the Natural Path Sanctuary.
Tim White
Tim was the first Springdale resident member of the Board of Directors.