Keefe Keeley was the interim farm manager for part of 2012 while he was a full-time grad student at UW-Madison and continued working with the Farley Center in 2013-2014. He supported Farley Center farmers with shared equipment, infrastructure and helped in the process of developing a formal incubator program. He helped put up a hoophouse with Hmong farmers, assisted in outreach efforts with the Center and partners and member coordination with the Los Jalepenos/Farley Center CSA. He wrote this article for Edible Madison in 2014. https://ediblemadison.com/stories/gaining-common-ground-at-the-farley-center-farm-incubator
He also carpooled with Gene to the Land Institute in Kansas, “one highlight of a friendship I was fortunate to develop with him while I worked at the Center. Gene remains an inspiration to me - as does how he and Linda's vision lives on in the work of the Center.”
Keefe is now the Co- Executive Director of the Savannah Institute. http://www.savannainstitute.org/staff.html