
Juan Gonzalez Torres

Before coming to the United States, Juan started farming with his family in Puebla, Mexico where they grew produce and sold at market. When moving to Madison, Wisconsin, he was inspired to seek out farmland and connected with the Farley Center in 2009 and was one of the first farmers to be part of the Farley Center Farm Incubator program, where he has been farming ever since.

At the Farley Center he met mentors who helped him learn organic farming practices which he implements on his farm. His nieces referred to his mentors as ‘Los Abuelos’ (grandparents in Spanish) which inspired him to name his farm Los Abuelos Farley Farm in honor of his mentors. Together, with two other farmers, he joined forces to create a CSA, which they jointly dubbed Los Jalapeños. Through his farm, Juan also sells produce to grocery stores that specialize in Mexican food products.

(excerpted from Spotlight on Juan Gonzalez Torres in Farm2Facts)