
Kevin Corrado

In 2009 after Linda Farley’s death, Kevin was asked by Gene Farley to coordinate an advisory group to establish a natural burial ground eventually known as the Natural Path Sanctuary (NPS). With support and knowledge provided by members of the Trust for Natural Legacies, members of the Madison Monthly Meeting of Friends, the Farley family and others, NPS opened in the summer of 2011. From 2011 to the end of 2014, Kevin and his wife, Susan, were resident staff at the Farley Center; always busy with greeting hundreds of visitors, organizing large and small events, working along with generous volunteers and the boards of directors for the Farley Center and NPS.

Kevin’s thirty years of hospital social work experience, compassion, and friendly humor were valuable assets in his work with grieving families at NPS. He has commented that he cherished supporting family members and friends who honored the deceased person’s desire to leave a lasting legacy of love and respect for the environment. Kevin’s future wish is to have his own burial at NPS, comforted by his profound appreciation for the emotional, social, and spiritual power of a natural burial experience.