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Dandelion Love

Erin McWalter / Iris Nguyen

Dandelions are a symbol of wildness. Within a society such as ours that promotes the synthetic uniformity of monoculture over the biodiverse vitality of nature, wildness is predictably perceived as an uninvited nuisance and often a threat to be eradicated rather than as a treasure to be valued for its vital purpose and healing power. Since dandelions demonstrate nature’s purpose and power to heal so beautifully and abundantly, Iris and Erin have created a dandelion-themed exhibit to illustrate how the suppression of nature generates the need for rejuvenation that only nature’s wild vitality can provide. We invite visitors of our exhibit to “branch out of their comfort zone.” Our hope is for people to read our tree stumps, then sit on the log facing our twig nest, take a heart out of the gourd to hold (and take home) and finally reflect asking themselves what they know about dandelions and how they view these medicinal edible plants.

Erin McWalterIris Nguyen

Erin McWalter is co-founder of MadisonTraffic Garden, a local placemaking nonprofit whose projects include Wisconsin Food Forests. She loves creating interactive spaces for others to enjoy. Erin is teaming up with Iris with Envision Positive which is always fun. Both are excited to create an artistic forest experience for visitors.

Iris Nguyen is the maker and founder of Envision Positive, a small business featuring her handmade art. Inspired by a love of nature, an appreciation of life and a vision of a world in harmonious alignment, Iris has followed her heart to share that vision. Starting with a few craft projects, a simple life-affirming vegan message and a self-directed learning orientation, she has cultivated Envision Positive organically each step of the way from dream to a thriving small business that now inspires many admirers, happy customers, makers and dreamers.