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Mona Cassis and Steve Heuer

This land-art sculpture echoes the spiral that is life and death.

Life is not a circle, it's a spiral. Seasons come and go, lives are born and grow. But not in a loop. Not a circle, we all move further on, and carry those close along as well. We move through life like days around the circuit of seasons. But we are, in our journey, always becoming, always turning.

Turning into the next moment, into the next version of me, of thee. We turn through time, through our lives, through our seasons.

Our land art was intended to be dynamic, ever-changing, turning. Changing as the spring flows into summer. We visited this peaceful wood many times over the past few months, adding to and evolving our spiral in turn, mirroring the art-ness of life. Always turning, becoming. Never finished.

Mona Cassis - Steve Heuer

Mona Cassis graduated from UW-Madison Art School. She apprenticed with Mike Selfridge, a California potter and stained-glass artist, for many years. She continues creating when time and inspiration align. Mona is a disciplined devotee to the process, finding joy in seeing a project through to its end. Her art includes jewelry and other metal-work, pastels, stained glass, and pottery.

Steve Heuer spends most of his creative time in words, but also spends stretches of time in pottery (thrown and hand-built). He finds a lasting beauty in the lines and forms in nature, particularly plant-life, striving to capture these in his hand-built pottery.

Both Steve and Mona sell their art at the weekly Artist’s and Farmer’s Market in Verona.